Yukon Community Pilot

The Yukon Community Pilot program is an immigration program launched by Canada’s northern territory of the Yukon and part of Yukon PNP.

The Yukon Community Pilot Program is created to address the economic and labor market needs of the Yukon.  Under this program, the applicant will get 2 years of work permit and later apply for Canada permanent resident visa. This program was launched by the Government of Yukon in January 2020 and will be open for 3 years until June 2023. An applicant who applies Yukon community pilot program can work for 2 to 3 employers in participating community of Yukon

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Steps to apply for Yukon Community Pilot Program

Step 1: Apply for the job offers

As the first step, the immigrants need to apply for two or three job offers that match their profile.

Step 2: Applying for the nomination

  • The immigrant has to apply for the Yukon Provincial Nominee Program to immigrate to Canada. They will receive a nomination letter from the government of Yukon. For the Yukon work permit, the immigrant can either apply for a skilled worker program or a critical impact worker program based on their skill level.
  • The immigrant should also get a signed letter of support from the Government of Yukon. The letter should contain details about the job location, number of hours, occupation, employer’s name, etc. The letter should also confirm that the employer needs the immigrant to live and work in the community.

Step 3: Applying for the Work Permit

Once the immigrant gets the job offer and letters from the Yukon government, they can apply for the Yukon work permit. Through the Yukon work permit, the immigrant can work for any employer, with restrictions on the location. Moreover, the immigrant does not need LMIA approval to get that Yukon work permit.